Dr. Science got the wuflu again? 😱 I’m shocked! The preceding was extreme sarcasm.

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Eventually even the most disgusting people look at Dr. Death and wish him ill. He said 3 times he's had it. Heck, Biden has had it at least 5 times and he is Quarantined in some basement most of the time. What goes around comes around

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Ms Dana… I was laughing so hard at your supreme snark on Dr. Fakey ! Another reason why I hardly ever miss one of your shows! I’m a Rumble Chatter and you definitely help keep me sane in this crazy world!

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I can’t wait for tomorrow’s show. I hope it’s a giant rip and tear over face diaper foochi

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Your last paragraph says it all.

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He got the shots in the "wrong end".

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And may I add; Fauci is an utter disgrace to the Medical Profession.

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And yet the AMA keeps him in their fold. If he was my dog's vet he'd be disbarred and tossed out in utter disgrace.

This is what happens when you stop being a Medical Doctor and become a politician.

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Fauci was right! He's a dead end!

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Suprised he didnt vax 7th time.

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Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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