I have been thinking of Dexter Taylor. I hope he is pardoned by Trump. He should be.

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So true!

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I'm 69, a young boomer who has always been a Constitutional Conservative. I never fit in with the Left Boomers and more Identified with my parents generation. I enlisted in the Navy at 17 immediately after graduation when the draft was essentially over because I loved my country and wanted to pay it back with service. I've blamed my generation all my adult life for the direction of our culture and the Debt. We are takers and not givers in my view. I share that with boomers often. No leftist worse then an old one. Still an outcast.

Tk u Dana for all u do, I listen almost daily. My 2 daughters are your age and they both graduated college as outcasts themselves because they did not buy all the nonsense. They both called me in tears of joy Wednesday morning for their kids future...

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Gee, I’m glad I’m a Boomer Right. Drank from many a hose and made it home by dark. We were used to being the only generation until yours came along. Gen X? What kind of a name is that?

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Just so you know; there are some of us Boomers who really do not like the DEI, latte capucchino imbeciles out there with their pseudo intellectual BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. We definitely do not like the Cackling buffoon that the Demofools stroked into running for the Presidency. I get it that it seems the overwhelming majority of us Boomers have caused loads of psych problems ,etc. but their are some of us that do not fall for that shhhhhhhhhhht.

Stay true to yourselves and pray this country will now see a renewed spirit.


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Tough love still works. Well said, Dana. 🙏🏽

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Gotta say, I'm kinda tickled to be included in at the end of the GenX age demo - way better than the other group I get stuck with 😎

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I'm a millennial.

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This is absolutely spot on discussion of how I feel. We are used to brutal but fair honesty. But we prefer it that way because we know where we stand. We are also not afraid to help others who help themselves first.

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Yep, Gen-X proud.

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Brilliant! Written with authority and a tell-it-like-it-was attitude that will ring true with all Gen Xers. Thank you. Sharing with a happy heart!

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Amazing and true!

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