Jul 15·edited Jul 15

SS says they are confident in the protection during the convention. I assume they were confident of the rally protection also….. They need to step it up!

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We can always count on you Lorraine for the truth. Thank you!

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A lot of "leaks" in this story. The leak of information to the NY POST. The leaks that the Secret Service had as they "sh*t themselves" scurrying through confusion to get their sole responsibility, Trump, out of any further harm. Inept and out of their depth, BRUTALLY UNPROFESSIONAL! But the most important leak in the well-informed professionally written post presented by Lorraine is the leak coming from the bursted skull 💀🩸of that evil inbred as he most certainly

"found out". Stay Frothy

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Perfect information. Yea, FAFO.

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Thank you Lorraine!

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Well done Lorraine

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