I do find the lefties reaction to the debate amusing ....it reminds me of the meme of Kevin Bacon from the movie Animal House .. Remain calm!!! All is well!!

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Those of is who listen to you and are awake have known this for a long time. Thank you Ms. Dana for speaking truth.

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Cover up is correct. Yet president Trump spent countless time in the white house press room engaging reporters. KJP gets perturbed when asked why her senile boss can't spend fifteen minutes there. The chickens have come home home to roost. Biden nonetheless will not bow out because of his world entanglements.

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Thanks for laying this out in black and white and all its wickedness. Choosing party of country and letting hatred for the opposing candidate rule their lives has led us to this day. Now we're waiting for the next shoe to drop. Duck and cover time?

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That's "Choosing party over country . . ."

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Just like the Covid bullsh*t, the media and the other mindless minions will protest about JOkE Biden, “the nincompoop”, only after the facts have been brought to light publicly in a major spectacle. The only question is how will WE react to them? Last I checked no one has been held to account for the catastrophic consequences of the Covid conspiracies, and those who knew about the nincompoop’s brain turning abnormal? The duty is to protect and defend this nation, its people, and the Constitution. The leadership and bureaucracy of this government needs to be refreshed.🔄. Stay Frothy

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Spot on, Dana! I dig your thoroughness in all that you report.

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