Has it been 12 years already? It has, in fact. Twelve years since a coworker in L.A. called me early in the morning while it was still dark outside and told me that Andrew Breitbart, our friend, boss, and conservatism’s happy warrior, had passed.
I wrote this last year (the photo is from 2011 or ‘12 when I received an award at CPAC from the intrepid folks at Accuracy In Media):
Andrew was a loyal friend. I joked with him once that he followed the Book of Matthew on resolving conflict better than most Christians (he was Jewish). He strove for unity. He knew we were at our weakest when the left divided us. My last conversation with him was via text the night he passed. A Republican writer we both knew was furious over my criticism of Mitt Romney and was having a go at me on Twitter.
“Why is he such an ass?” I had texted Andrew of this editorialist.
“He’s actually very smart, but also an unbelievable ass to everyone all the time,” was Andrew’s reply. Meaning, don’t take it personally. Always onward. A lesson learned. Even now, his insight remains the wisest.
I found this video last year, a rare moment of civility between me and Piers Morgan when Piers kindly asked me to come on after the news broke to honor Andrew’s legacy.
This year I’ll enjoy a glass of cab and blast The The’s “This Is The Day” in his honor. He is greatly missed.
I used to be on twitter. I remember you would tweet about Andrew on this day. It was a reminder that I missed Andrew. I never met him but would always ready the many articles on his site. I don’t anymore. Things changed on Breitbart.com after he passed but you didn’t change, Dana. At least I think you haven’t. I’ve never met you. Anyway, thank you for remembering Andrew Breitbart every year. Like you, I think he was born for the storm.
Lazerwolf the truck driver
I never met Andrew but was heavily influenced by him. His death was a crushing blow to controlling media propaganda.