2 drones with Sidewinders.

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Paid $6 just to comment and give a proper ratio to the willfully ignorant people loving Nikki Haley’s comments. Ukraine is NOT freedom loving, they have been the money laundering capitol for US politicians for years. They are anti Christian with very specifically identified NAZI units. They have literally nothing to do with freedom and resemble fascist dictatorships more than anything. People with two brain cells to rub together are capable of grasping that it can be true, while Russia and China also being evil can be true. Those opinions can exist at the same time. Do not send our defenses and $$$ never ending to Ukraine, let Putin have that cesspool. My word, the sheer gap between veterans understanding what’s going on and civilians who listen only to RINO warmongers is as bad as I’ve ever seen it.

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It was an Awesome Interview. Nikki Haley is on point.

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Really! Russia and China both have hyper sonic missles. Obama cut our defense budget. Biden has done the same thing. We're behind in everything militarily and no one doesn't want to join because of their woked out vaccine policies. We're giving all our money and hardware to Ukraine. America is in very serious dire straits.

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