First, he’s Frankie five fingers on the fire alarm and then plays the name game calling republicans “Nazis” -it takes one to know one.

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A little too late to say you're sorry... You got caught with your hands in the cookie jar.

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Bowman doesn't even know what a Nazi is! Nazi is a type of Socialist, which is more in line with the Democrat Party.

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This is where we're at: an educated middle school principle and 2 term representative has felt so much tribalism that doing something obviously and blatantly wrong is his course of action in legislature. And what I think is worse, is the other representatives could have said "what he did was awful and we're sorry" and that would have been accepted, even if a lie. But we are thought of as such unintelligent peon serfs, and make no mistake the United States is now a neo feudal society, that they will gaslight and lie to a level that will make you feel crazy. I understand why tar and feathers, stockades, duels, and excommunication exist now. I get why Washington would have taken a...more serious action.

The GOP is an absolute abysmal mess, it's the old guys making money, and the new guys trying to be both hip, and make money. And we have very few options. The government is monthly writing checks to Ukraine against the will of the people, along with an open border that is over 70% polling against the will of the people. All while telling us someone doesn't know what a fire handle is. A nice big "f you, we are your overlords, and there's nothing you can do about it"

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Will there be consistency? Will a hobo turn down a ham sandwich?

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What a lowlife heathen. Yet the media and his dirtbag party run cover for him. Nothing will happen to him. Democrats always get away with things.

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It amazes me that democrats get away with everything, and I mean everything. It doesn’t matter what type of crime they commit they get away with it. I hope this mad merry go round comes to an end soon and democrats are made accountable for their crimes. But, I’m not holding my breath!

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