Charge Democrats/RINOs throughout America of domestic terrorism, tax corruption, violating the U.S. Constitution, compromising American sovereignty, breaking multiple Federal and State laws, crimes against humanity, human and drug trafficking, COVID-19 deaths, allowing foreign governments, organizations, and corporations to finance and influence politicians and policies, and purchase of properties. Treasonous!

Note: I received a petition letter to Legalize Cannabis For Florida Adults' in 2026-Amendment Initiative Petition Form-Volunteer. Amendment 3 is supported by Recreational POT backer Smart & Safe Florida to be reinstated. Smart & Safe Florida has raised millions of dollars and mainly bankrolled by “Trulieve”. Don’t allow TRULIEVE and the “TOXIC” Amendment 3 to pass. Vote NO! This will degrade and destroy Florida healthy economy and state of mind. Marijuana is prescribed for medical use only.

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If you remove yourself to decades in the future, and read Trump's inaugural speech, having to specify two genders, male and female, one can only reflect on how dimly lit our educational system is. May as well not know left from right, or up from down. You would have to ask what kind of crazy dark ages the US was in, or coming out of, for him to feel it necessary to specify that in his inaugural speech.

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Praise God for this day! We must continue to pray for DJT and Our Nation because there is much work to be done and undo the great damage done these past four years.

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Freedom has been restored.

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FJB. ! Pardon happy old coot! Good riddance to old rubbish!

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