The Leviathan, that is our federal government, is countering the Musk move on Twitter/X. WE really didn’t think that the Serpent would stay “coiled in pause” during this election cycle did WE?! The FCC is just another tentacle to constrict WE the People of our Rights. Stay Frothy

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Trying to kill free speech.

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Mark Levin said on today's program that he was going to be making some changes but didn't say why. Here in Ocala he is on an Audacy station so I guess he is preparing to keep his show safe. I remember before Rush Limbaugh came on the scene almost all of the talk radio was liberal. He broke the dam for Conservative Talk Radio and we were amazed. With Soros I guess it will be the end of an era unless he can make more money by not interfering.

Why is our government allowing these foreign entities to buy up America. We all know the Chinese are buying up millions of acres of farm land. If there is a famine in China guess where the yield from those farms will go. Not to the US, that's for sure.

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Well good gravy! More skullduggery afoot in the halls of Media, particularly where influence can be used to broadcast Demo lies against Repub candidates and voters. Guess we shouldn't be surprised; another finger on the scale as we near November 5. Spreading the word to #VoteRedToSaveAmerica!

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