Progressives Really Hate That American Indian Kid
False virtue is today’s hot fashion accessory.
After a man literally named Karen tried to incite an Internet rage mob against a little kid superfan last weekend it was discovered that the kid in question is, in fact, a member of the Chumash Tribe and his grandfather sits on the tribal committee. Carron Phillips from z-list sports site, claimed that the nine year-old “hated black people and native Americans” and verbatim accused him if wearing “blackface.” Except he wasn’t:
After this initial setback, progressives regrouped.
Their response is exemplified best by this self-appointed progressive white woman who is also apparently President and Spokesperson of/for All The Indians:
Except she’s wrong. But who cares? Because this is stupid.
These high-calorie Karens don’t actually care about American Indians, they care about the appearance of caring about American Indians. False virtue is today’s hot fashion accessory. Why actually do good things and generally be nice to people when you can be a perpetual bitch in a suspended state of Being Offended™ and pass off your rudeness as merely a virtuous side effect of your passion for whatever cause you pretend to care about — and dramatically demonstrate more sensitivity over it than the actual people in question?
Why are these people never around when the issue turns to property rights on reservations? Or the restitution owed to the American Indian farmers and ranchers whose livestock was killed by the EPA’s toxic handling of the Animas River spill? Those things require miles-wide, inches-deep Internet activists to put in more effort than they put out in performative concern.
Stephen L. Miller said for the next game, he hopes Holden Armenta is sitting on Taylor Swift's lap in the VIP box and they're ALL in face-paint and headdresses.
My gripe is women wearing too much warpaint trying to trick me into chasing after them. Then being angry because I won't.