Mike Johnson Elected Speaker of the House
After some lengthy conversations, Johnson got it done on the first round of voting.
Johnson needed 218 votes to win on the first round of voting, but three Republicans held out, making the total 216-215. Rep. Self voted for Byron Donalds, Rep. Norman voted for Jim Jordan, and Rep. Thomas Massie, who was on the Dana Show before the break, voted for Tom Emmer.
However, before the vote was gaveled in as finished, Johnson ran off to a back corner of the room with Norman and Self. After some lengthy discussions, both men changed their votes to Johnson, giving Johnson the required 218 votes.
Lorraine Yuriar is a wife, mother, and lifelong conservative, currently stuck in a very blue state.
That's a damn shame!
Sorry, he isn't worth pissing on if he was on fire!
Thank God Republicans stayed together for a change in spite of a slight hicup.