Biden's Trans Easter Proclamation Was By Design
The left needs reactions as proof for their narrative.
I discussed on today’s program how the “trans day of visibility” proclamation was timed purposefully for Easter Sunday.
Spare me the refrain that Transgiving (or whatever we are calling it) was first established in 2009, or that Biden proclaimed it once before in 2021. That actually makes all of this worse: We aren’t supposed to call out bad things unless they happen only once? Why did he proclaim it a second time? He didn’t release a statement last year so why this year? Is it an every-three-year kinda proclamation? Or is it because the left is furiously cultivating this inane “Christian Nationalist” narrative and knew how to bait the hook by releasing a proclamation specifically on Easter? (During Ramadan! Media is quiet on this point.)
The “Christian nationalist” narrative was created by blockheads unfamiliar with the differences between natural and civil rights. Whereas civil rights were and are created in courts of law by men and women, natural rights are rights we are endorsed with by way of birth or citizenship, rights which fall into the purview of the divine, rights placed out of man’s reach, rights which cannot be polluted, perverted, abridged, taken. What makes the United States so brilliantly unique is that one isn’t required to share the faith in order to have one’s rights under divine protection. The benefit exists, regardless. A herd immunity of sorts for nonbelievers.
God terrifies tyrants because tyrants don’t like the competition nor the freedom that God provides, which they do not. The left has for years attacked Christianity. They seek to take the rights which the Founders placed out of man’s reach and place them lower, within man’s grasp, so man can play god. It hasn’t worked anywhere it was tried, but each generation of leftists believes that history began the day they were born, so they repeat year after year.
This “Christian nationalist” narrative is their latest concoction. They ridicule lawmakers who correctly identify natural rights as being God-ordained in an effort to maliciously portray anyone who agrees as backwoods bumpkins adjacent to race zealots. They want to socially condition you into shying away from stating fact about God-given rights. They also want to obscure the fact that trans activists are killing people, killing Christians.
An administration that prioritized “unity,” as Biden so famously did when he was inaugurated, would look for ways to deescalate tensions, not inflame them. Transgiving isn’t some holy of holy days that must be held on the same day every year else the world spins off its axis. It’s newly made-up day for a tiny percentage of people that are absurdly overrepresented in every facet of society.
As the White House spokeswoman said — a woman who can’t pronounce “emeritus,” nor knows the difference between Nordstrom and Nord Stream — Easter falls on different dates every year. Each administration knew that this year’s trans day would fall upon Easter Sunday. It’s common practice to check dates on calendars several years in advance to make sure there exist no conflicts. The calendar app on smartphones make it super easy. The administrations that established and affirmed trans day didn’t overlook this, it was planned that way.
The Biden admin didn’t stupidly mess up when it continued hijacking a deeply religious holiday for gender cosplay. The left needs reactions as proof for their narrative.
This ploy was for far more than just an appeal for greenie, alphabet, or Hamas-sympathizer votes. This is the slow chipping away at the crux of our freedom, the process of disconnecting Americans from the protection that shields our freedoms from the corruption of man.
The admin exploited a mental illness to troll Christianity on Easter, when Easter is really a glorious troll over sin and its wage of death.
I wonder where the 666 is hidden on Biden's body......
No matter what they do Jesus still has the victory.